The Empowered Child

Our pedagogy outlines our view of the children and guides the way we interact with them. You will find the declaration below across all our services. 

Children Are Empowered

We believe in the shaping force of childhood. An empowered adult emerges from an empowered child. We believe in raising a child with confidence. We believe in raising a decision maker, a person with knowledge and resources to be influential in their environment and throughout their lives. We believe an empowered child will grow and create an extraordinary future. A child’s identity will emerge as a result of their environment. At home, here, and everywhere in between. With experiences to love, learn and laugh, we will bring lasting happiness, confidence and positivity into a child’s life.

This is a home for children

This is a place where a child curiously participates, individually and with one another, through being and interacting. Each child is an owner and custodian of this place, their home. In this space, a child is viewed as empowered. As you walk through the spaces, we ask that you treat each child and their space accordingly.

How we treat children as empowered

Love. Care. Respect. Engage a child. Delight in their participation and insight. Through conversation, we make decisions together. If we wish to change anything, we seek the child’s input and consent.
Respect and pay attention to a child’s unique identity, relationships, rights and stories from past, present and future. Nurture and care for the individual child, and ignite their love of learning. Consult the child as you move through their space. You will find that they will be your knowledgeable guide. Respect the design and layout of the space that the child has created. Choose a path of travel which acknowledges the child's right to privacy and rest. Consider your voice. Be calm and aware of speaking in spaces rather than
across them. Your volume and tone will impact all children in the space. Be aware of your physical size. To engage a child, kneel down and engage on their level.